Saturday, December 27, 2014

Entrepreneurship: Business Success "Incense Ayur" Made Wijaya teacher

Tourism entrepreneurs in Bali later I was visiting businesses Bli Made Wijaya teacher. I told the story of his efforts Made Wijaya teacher, business owner making incense Incense Ayur named in Denpasar.The story of his concern and passion for change into the community around the residence if made, many of his crime and prostitution flourish of migrants in the area of her residence to make Bli Made racked his brain to look how to influence people to change. If starting Made "movement" approach that combines Spiritual (not religious) and the Social Economic. "If the economy is met, then it will be a spiritual easy to fix" it said.  

The man is very simple pioneering efforts in 2003, but a completely new commercial operation in 2005. The decision was triggered by the efforts made ​​by the fact that the needs of incense in Bali it much depends on the area outside Bali. In fact, an important means of incense in religious activities in Bali. "Imagine, every day there are 10 tons of incense that comes from outside Bali," said Made teacher.

Made Wijaya teacher shared her employees an average household's mother ramh

During the early period of his business, Made Dwija claimed many losers. At that time, he still has not found the right composition in order to profit. Often the price of incense being sold did not cover production costs. "Only in 2005 I find equilibrium, roughly untruk can profit, its composition is like," he recalled. Since then, slowly-by-slowly, Made Dwija business began to grow.

Mothers who utilize free time to work making incense

Especially since received funding from PT Sarana Bali Ventura, companies in the field of venture capital. The business of making incense which was originally only worked 8 workers now involves 50 workers coming from the surrounding community. Interestingly, all workers in Ayurvedic Incense is female. "It is a part of community empowerment, as it became one of my goals when opening a business incense," said Made Dwija.

After Ayur

Bli Made Dwija utilize the mother-housewife who are around her house for menjdi employees and together these pioneering efforts. I ask, why the mother-housewife bli? .... "Because mothers households more conscientious and responsible than his men, and they want to work more diligently" Made in charge.

Currently production reached 25 thousand Ayurvedic Incense incense sticks per day with an average turnover of USD 200 million per month. In contrast to the general incense, incense Incense Ayur manufactured using raw materials spices. "For incense made from spices that there is no production in Bali, so that practically no competitors," uncover Made Dwija.

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