Saturday, December 27, 2014

About Gum Damar

Source:  reza.
In the area of West Lampung, precisely in the village Krui, there are many plantations Damar. Resin is one of the biggest commodity in Lampung, even in Indonesia. Tree resin can be used wood and resin. Sap is used as a raw material for the manufacture of various products such as varnish, paint, ink, incense and cosmetics. The sap is also widely exported to foreign countries such as Bangladesh, India, Italy, Belgium, Pakistan, Germany and Saudi Arabia . Use of this gum resin in Indonesian society in general it is used as a fragrance by burning charcoal directly by using media that is used in certain ceremonies, where fragrances produced quite soft (not as strong as the scent of incense), also for several manufacturers of fragrances used as a mixture with bebabagai certain types of perfume fragrances in order to obtain a solid form. where usability is the same used for the air freshener or certain rituals with burned through the medium of charcoal.
Vascular getah

Damar ready Sell
The gum resin before being sent kepedagang sorted first, there are puith (crystal), kekuninbg2an, and colored kemerah2an / kecoklat2an. In the picture above is a resin that many outstanding local market where the resin is already sorted so that only a certain size, while for most small-called dust, usually to the size of dust used by pabrik2 to mix.  
Here we provide a resin as in gamnbar, in packaging sack by weight: 25 kg and 50 kg.

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