A. Materials - materials required:
1.Serbu wood (sawdust can be made of wood. The wood used can be of sandalwood, camphor, coconut shells or other timber that are flammable. The powder timber must be sifted in order to obtain smooth results . The powder timber can be obtained in a sawmill. For a natural deodorizer, can be added to the powder of dried flowers. Flowers that have been dried in the sun to dry, until finely ground and mixed with filler powder kedalah earlier).
2.Lem wood
fire 3.Soda
4. stalk of bamboo sticks.
5.Pewangi / aroma plus methanol. Deodorizer can be obtained in stores chemicals. Mixed dose may dikreasikan own fragrance.
B. Equipment needed:
1.Tabung and measuring cup.
2.Pipa PVC.
5.Plastik wrapping and labeling.
C. How to make:
1.Cara make stick:
a.Bambu petung, good bamboo used petung the situation is not too old.
b.Bambu cut into small sticks with a diameter of 1-2 mm and a length of 15-40 cm and in accordance with the length of incense are made.
c.Jemur to dry.
d.Sortasi and wash your hair - hair timber.
2.Cara make incense:
a.Stick that is ready to use is inserted into the adhesive (glue timber) which has been mixed with water.
b .Next put into powder (filler) incense.
c.Jemur approximately 15 minutes.
d.Kembali inserted into the water again.
e.Kemudian enter into the filler powder and dried.
f.Ulangi way over to 3x or adapted to large incense desirable and dried.
g.Setelah half dry, inserted into the pipe-milled and milled into a fine in order to incense.
h.Setelah further dried flavored fragrance.
i.Pengisian scent to suit the tastes are dipped or sprayed.
j.Selanjutnya dried again until pretty packed or packing.
1.Pemotongan, cleavage, and smoothing bamboo:
• Diameter 2mm bamboo
bamboo between 15-40cm • Length
2.Pencelupan bamboo stick and twist caustic soda to stick to the sticky, sawdust and flowers, pollen identity:
• Dip the bamboo stick into caustic soda, drain 5 minutes.
• Helical (first) stick to the sticky powder.
• Dip stick containing caustic soda to the sticky, drain 5 minutes.
• Helical (second) stick to sawdust and flowers.
The mixture powder wood and flowers:
wood -Serbuk 5
interest -Sebuk 1/2
Calcium 1
-Lengket 1
• Dip stick containing sawdust and flower into caustic soda, drain 5 minutes.
• Helical (third) stick to powder teak
powder mixture teak:
teak -Serbuk 5
Calcium 1
-Lengket 1
3.Pencelupan stick of incense that is so kepewangi:
• Oil 20ml cempaka
• Sandalwood Oil 20ml
• Oil 30ml lotus
1 l • Methanol
4.Pengemasan incense with plastic pressed with candles and incense wrapped in wrapping.
Meeting 1
A.Materi subject:
1.Memperkenalkan incense-making equipment.
2.Memperkenalkan incense making materials.
3.Penyampaian neighbor material process making incense.
B.Kompetensi Basics:
1.Mengetahui name and how to use incense-making equipment.
2.Mengetahui materials used in the manufacture of incense.
3.Memahami incense making process.
1.Dapat outlines ways-name and how to use incense-making equipment.
2.Dapat outlines the types of materials used in the manufacture of incense.
3.Dapat explain the process of making incense.
Meeting 2
A.Materi Principal:
direct 1.Praktek incense making, stage 1:
-How to make incense sticks
-How glue stick incense with adhesive.
-How to insert the incense stick into powder (filler) incense.
B.Kompetensi Basics:
1.Mengetahui types of bamboo are both used to make incense sticks are using bamboo petung.
2.Memahami and know how to make incense sticks made of bamboo.
3.Mengetahui and understand how to glue the incense stick with glue.
4.Mengetahui and understand how to enter into the incense stick powder (filler) incense, with the thickness of the suit.
1.Dapat practice Direct incense stick maker.
2.Dapat practice immediately glue stick incense with glue.
3.Dapat practice immediately enter into a stick of incense powder (filler) incense.
Meeting 3
A.Materi Highlights:
direct 1.Praktek incense making, stage 3:
-How to smooth the incense which has been incorporated into the powder.
-How to give the fragrance scent of incense that has been smoothed.
-How pengkemasan or packing incense aroma fragrance that has been given.
B.Kompetensi Basic:
1.Mengetahui and understand how smooth the incense which have been entered grinded into powder-milled menggunakn the pipe.
2.Mengetahui and understand how to give the aroma of the incense fragrance that has been smoothed by means dipped or sprayed.
3.Mengetahui and understand how pengkemasan or packing incense aroma fragrance that has been given to the use of plastic and cover.
1.Dapat practice immediately glue stick incense with glue.
2.Dapat practice immediately enter into a stick of incense powder (filler) incense.
3.Dapat practice immediately pengkemasan or packing incense are ready for sale.
Meeting 4
A.Materi Principal:
direct 1.Praktek incense making, stage 5:
-Step work making incense from stage 1 s / d stage 4.
B.Kompetensi Basic:
1.Mengetahui, understand and establish ways of making incense from the beginning, which means:
-Making incense stick of bamboo.
-Merekatkan incense sticks with adhesive glue
stick incense Entering into powder (filler) incense.
-Menghaluskan incense that has been incorporated into the powder.
ofer on incense fragrance aroma that has been smoothed.
-Pengkemasan or packing incense which has been given the aroma fragrance.
1.Dapat practice immediately steps and phases of the incense-making raw materials into incense are ready for sale.
Meeting 5
A.Materi Highlights:
1.Penyampaian tips and tricks to make incense easy & cheap.
2.Penyampaian material on variations incense incense.
3.Penyampaian marketing techniques incense.
B.Kompetensi Basic:
1.Mengetahui and understand the tips and tricks to make incense that is easy and inexpensive.
2.Memahami and know about variasi- variations incense.
3.Memahami and know about marketing techniques incense.
1.Dapat describes tips and tricks to make incense that easy.
2.Dapat find variations in color and fragrance of incense as typical.
3.Memahami and know about marketing techniques incense so easily compete in the market.
1.Serbu wood (sawdust can be made of wood. The wood used can be of sandalwood, camphor, coconut shells or other timber that are flammable. The powder timber must be sifted in order to obtain smooth results . The powder timber can be obtained in a sawmill. For a natural deodorizer, can be added to the powder of dried flowers. Flowers that have been dried in the sun to dry, until finely ground and mixed with filler powder kedalah earlier).
2.Lem wood
fire 3.Soda
4. stalk of bamboo sticks.
5.Pewangi / aroma plus methanol. Deodorizer can be obtained in stores chemicals. Mixed dose may dikreasikan own fragrance.
B. Equipment needed:
1.Tabung and measuring cup.
2.Pipa PVC.
5.Plastik wrapping and labeling.
C. How to make:
1.Cara make stick:
a.Bambu petung, good bamboo used petung the situation is not too old.
b.Bambu cut into small sticks with a diameter of 1-2 mm and a length of 15-40 cm and in accordance with the length of incense are made.
c.Jemur to dry.
d.Sortasi and wash your hair - hair timber.
2.Cara make incense:
a.Stick that is ready to use is inserted into the adhesive (glue timber) which has been mixed with water.
b .Next put into powder (filler) incense.
c.Jemur approximately 15 minutes.
d.Kembali inserted into the water again.
e.Kemudian enter into the filler powder and dried.
f.Ulangi way over to 3x or adapted to large incense desirable and dried.
g.Setelah half dry, inserted into the pipe-milled and milled into a fine in order to incense.
h.Setelah further dried flavored fragrance.
i.Pengisian scent to suit the tastes are dipped or sprayed.
j.Selanjutnya dried again until pretty packed or packing.
1.Pemotongan, cleavage, and smoothing bamboo:
• Diameter 2mm bamboo
bamboo between 15-40cm • Length
2.Pencelupan bamboo stick and twist caustic soda to stick to the sticky, sawdust and flowers, pollen identity:
• Dip the bamboo stick into caustic soda, drain 5 minutes.
• Helical (first) stick to the sticky powder.
• Dip stick containing caustic soda to the sticky, drain 5 minutes.
• Helical (second) stick to sawdust and flowers.
The mixture powder wood and flowers:
wood -Serbuk 5
interest -Sebuk 1/2
Calcium 1
-Lengket 1
• Dip stick containing sawdust and flower into caustic soda, drain 5 minutes.
• Helical (third) stick to powder teak
powder mixture teak:
teak -Serbuk 5
Calcium 1
-Lengket 1
3.Pencelupan stick of incense that is so kepewangi:
• Oil 20ml cempaka
• Sandalwood Oil 20ml
• Oil 30ml lotus
1 l • Methanol
4.Pengemasan incense with plastic pressed with candles and incense wrapped in wrapping.
Meeting 1
A.Materi subject:
1.Memperkenalkan incense-making equipment.
2.Memperkenalkan incense making materials.
3.Penyampaian neighbor material process making incense.
B.Kompetensi Basics:
1.Mengetahui name and how to use incense-making equipment.
2.Mengetahui materials used in the manufacture of incense.
3.Memahami incense making process.
1.Dapat outlines ways-name and how to use incense-making equipment.
2.Dapat outlines the types of materials used in the manufacture of incense.
3.Dapat explain the process of making incense.
Meeting 2
A.Materi Principal:
direct 1.Praktek incense making, stage 1:
-How to make incense sticks
-How glue stick incense with adhesive.
-How to insert the incense stick into powder (filler) incense.
B.Kompetensi Basics:
1.Mengetahui types of bamboo are both used to make incense sticks are using bamboo petung.
2.Memahami and know how to make incense sticks made of bamboo.
3.Mengetahui and understand how to glue the incense stick with glue.
4.Mengetahui and understand how to enter into the incense stick powder (filler) incense, with the thickness of the suit.
1.Dapat practice Direct incense stick maker.
2.Dapat practice immediately glue stick incense with glue.
3.Dapat practice immediately enter into a stick of incense powder (filler) incense.
Meeting 3
A.Materi Highlights:
direct 1.Praktek incense making, stage 3:
-How to smooth the incense which has been incorporated into the powder.
-How to give the fragrance scent of incense that has been smoothed.
-How pengkemasan or packing incense aroma fragrance that has been given.
B.Kompetensi Basic:
1.Mengetahui and understand how smooth the incense which have been entered grinded into powder-milled menggunakn the pipe.
2.Mengetahui and understand how to give the aroma of the incense fragrance that has been smoothed by means dipped or sprayed.
3.Mengetahui and understand how pengkemasan or packing incense aroma fragrance that has been given to the use of plastic and cover.
1.Dapat practice immediately glue stick incense with glue.
2.Dapat practice immediately enter into a stick of incense powder (filler) incense.
3.Dapat practice immediately pengkemasan or packing incense are ready for sale.
Meeting 4
A.Materi Principal:
direct 1.Praktek incense making, stage 5:
-Step work making incense from stage 1 s / d stage 4.
B.Kompetensi Basic:
1.Mengetahui, understand and establish ways of making incense from the beginning, which means:
-Making incense stick of bamboo.
-Merekatkan incense sticks with adhesive glue
stick incense Entering into powder (filler) incense.
-Menghaluskan incense that has been incorporated into the powder.
ofer on incense fragrance aroma that has been smoothed.
-Pengkemasan or packing incense which has been given the aroma fragrance.
1.Dapat practice immediately steps and phases of the incense-making raw materials into incense are ready for sale.
Meeting 5
A.Materi Highlights:
1.Penyampaian tips and tricks to make incense easy & cheap.
2.Penyampaian material on variations incense incense.
3.Penyampaian marketing techniques incense.
B.Kompetensi Basic:
1.Mengetahui and understand the tips and tricks to make incense that is easy and inexpensive.
2.Memahami and know about variasi- variations incense.
3.Memahami and know about marketing techniques incense.
1.Dapat describes tips and tricks to make incense that easy.
2.Dapat find variations in color and fragrance of incense as typical.
3.Memahami and know about marketing techniques incense so easily compete in the market.
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