Saturday, December 27, 2014

Utilization of Wood and Fiber Coconut Flour for Making Motorcycle brake lining.

In general, motorcycle brake pads are made of asbestos and other additional elements such as SiC, Mn or Co Based on the manufacturing process, brakeshoes (brake) motorcycles, including the "particulate composite". Composites of this type, the reinforcing material (reinforced) consists of particles uniformly dispersed in a matrix that serves as a binder, resulting in good solid shape. Through the heating process at the same emphasis at the time of printing (sintering) will be generated strength, hardness and friction forces are increasing. Heating is carried out at temperatures ranging from 130oC - 150oC, which causes the material will undergo changes in the structure where the particles with one another will be obtained from sticking together and form a good solid and strong binder matrix. (Sulistijono, 2004). Such fabrication process then results in the selling price is quite expensive brake. 

The use of asbestos in the manufacture of brake pads is not environmentally friendly because it has a negative impact on health which can cause asbestosis / fibrosis (thickening and scarring of the lungs), lung cancer and cancer of the respiratory tract.(Anoname. 1981). Actually brakeshoes motorcycle can be made with the use of waste sawdust and coconut fibers as the reinforcing and polyester resin as the matrix. In addition to environmentally friendly, coconut fibers and the use of waste wood powder in the manufacture of motorcycle brake has advantages in terms of production costs are cheaper than asbestos brake lining material. 

This is related to the problem of environmental pollution, especially those caused by rubbish sawdust and coconut fiber which is underutilized. (Harjadi and Prasetyo, 2006). A case of this kind of environmental pollution problems are like that happened in the area where the municipal government Pekanbaru Pekanbaru undergo a legal action against a number of companies suspected of dumping waste sawdust waste in the Siak River which led to hundreds of thousands of fish of various types including shrimp in the river was dead (Tempo, June 11, 2003). The same problem occurs in the Kapuas. From the results of calculations performed Forest Service team together Kapuas Kapuas forest officials note that the number (cubication) ramin wood dust is much 177.1346 m3 and meranti wood dust as much as 319 825 m3. So much of this amount is not at all utilized so that only damage the surrounding environment. (Kompas, April 6, 2001).

During 2005, the community complained field of environmental pollution caused by waste sawdust from companies Indokarya Keep Shining (ITC) and complain to the Department of Environment and Energy and Mineral Resources field. The waste contaminate food products from PT Medan Canning, so found sawdust on the food product. (Alert, December 28, 2005). In East Java, wood factory Sengon Kondang PT Nusantara (SKN) receive public complaints because it generates waste in the form of dust mixed with sawdust disturb the surrounding environment. The pollution impacts disrupt community activities Sidoagung Village, District Tempuran, Magelang regency. (Suara Merdeka, August 12, 2003). These materials (sawdust and coconut fibers) does look useless and of no economic value because it can only be trash and damage the environment, when in fact we can use it as an alternative to the manufacture of motorcycle brake.


Procedures for the implementation of the manufacturing brake booster motorcycle with coconut fibers and wood dust are as follows:

1. Preparation of tools and materials. Materials include raw material (sawdust, coconut powder serbut, 208b resins, catalysts, vaseline, glue iron, used motorcycle brake the rest kampasnya been cleaned) and printed materials (steel plates, scales, steel screws, nuts and bolts) and cathode welding. Equipment includes a mechanical tool (hacksaw, hammers, grinders, drill machine, etc.), the electric arc welding.

2. Making the mold. Matter consists of presses and printing products. Constriction device is designed with a shape such as a leaky tire suppressant. However, to end this suppression of constriction device (eye suppressant), used motorcycle brakes are not berkampas former. Mold products are made of steel plate that is strong enough accept the imposition of an instrument of oppression. In the mold design brake products, steel plate shaped to follow the shape of the brake arch. So it will fit with the tip of the emphasis that is used motorcycle brakes are not berkampas. Its working principle is the material to be printed are given a certain amount of pressure in order to obtain the distribution of reinforcing particles in the matrix is ​​more uniform so we get a good solid brake. In addition to keeping the quality of the ingredients of the product are similar to one another, the emphasis should be as large.

Figure 1. The mold product brake lining

3. Mixing materials. Sawdust and crushed powder coconut fibers (diselep) and filtered with a 50 mesh sieve and then both are mixed in the ratio 40: 60. (wood powder = 40 and coconut fiber powder = 60). Resin 208b (unsaturated) is poured into a measuring cup and poured into a mixture of sawdust and coconut fibers and stirred until uniform particle distribution. The volume fraction of the mixture of sawdust and coconut fibers in a resin powder is 40% or a ratio of 40: 60. (a mixture of sawdust and coconut fibers = 40, resin = 60). Then poured catalyst to taste, stirring until evenly spread catalyst, and stirring continued samapai poured into the mold.

Figure 2. The mixture powder coconut fibers and wood dust

4. Printing. The process results from mixing evenly then poured into a mold products previously, the inner surfaces have been smeared vaseline to taste, then as soon as possible given emphasis by means of pressure. After the material has cured for some time with the intention of giving time for the catalyst to react with the material. The length of time it takes depends on the amount of catalyst added to the material. The more catalyst in the material so that the faster the reaction occurs more rapidly solidified material.

5. Expenses product from the mold.

6. brake pads and then glued together using glue iron and attached with brakes that do not berkampas which has been prepared in advance.

7. Once attached, the brake lining thickness trimmed to fit the space in case the brakes on motorcycles. This process can be used in grinding.

Figure 3. Product brake


To meet the feasibility of using this product brake lining, previously specimens brake lining has undergone various tests to determine the mechanical properties and performance that can be compared with the quality of the brake lining made of asbestos. Each test was performed three times for the sake of the validity of the data. Tests may include:

1. Testing tensile

Tensile testing refers to the standardized ASTM D 638M-84. (Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1986). Through the tensile test can know the value of tensile strenght of the test material. 

Figure 4. Tools and dimensions of tensile test specimens

From the test results obtained by some mechanical characteristics of the material that is the tensile strength (tensile strength) of 2.75 kg / mm2.

2. Testing violence

In the specimen hardness testing is used to brake vickers hardness testing. Because the vickers hardness testing can be measured hardness of materials ranging from very soft (5 HV) to very hard (1500 HV). Vickers hardness testing principle is pressed specimens with indenter (diamond-shaped pyramid with apex angle between two opposite sides are 136o) on its surface so that the resulting footprint press. Seen in figure 5. (Suherman, 1987).

Vickers hardness number is calculated by the formula: HV = 1.854 P / d2, where P = pressure force (kg) and d = diameter footprint press (mm). Specimens will be charged 3 times different loading is 30 kg, 3 kg and 10 kg.

Figure 5. indenting diamond pyramid on vickers hardness testing (left) and hardness test specimen (right)

From the test results it is known that the Vickers hardness of materials 1020.2033 kg / mm2.

3. Testing abrasiveness

Abrasion testing is done to obtain the magnitude of resistance against penggesekan specimens. The test specimen (brake) is pressed on grinding (move rotate clockwise and constant velocity) with constant pressure. Shift on the surface of the test specimen with a grinding, resulting in burial on the specimen. After the calculated amount of material lost in the specimen based on a function of time. (Anoname, 2006).

Figure 6. abrasion testing machine (left) and the abrasion test specimen (right)

From the test results it is known that abrasive hardness (wear) of 0.0149 mm / s.

4. Test Performance

Performance test conducted on the brake ready-made products which directly tested on a motorcycle, then observed whether the brake is working properly. It can be seen from the value decelertion (braking distance - slip - which caused the speed of the motorcycle).Calculated by the formula a = 1.075 v2 / s, where a = deceleration, v = speed motorcycle (ft / s), and s = braking distance (ft). (1986 SAE Handbook). In this test set value used motorcycle speed is 45 km / h (41.0105 ft / s). From test perfomansi to calculate the value of deceleration, it is known that the value of the brake deceleration sawdust - coconut fibers is higher (452 ​​ft / s2) when compared to the brake lining made of asbestos (176.855 ft / s2). Or in other words the brake sawdust - coconut fibers have a slowdown better than asbestos brake lining material. 

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