Saturday, December 27, 2014

Lunar Blessing Incense Sticks For Crafters Hundreds in Ponorogo

Blessing Chinese New Year which falls on 10 February 2013, not only felt the Chinese (China) are celebrating. However, before the turn of the new year, is also a blessing in itself for hundreds of artisans gold stick (biting) incense incense that is in the center of the craft stick Sriti Village, Village Temon, Pelem Batch village, as well as Tempuran Village, District Sawoo, Ponorogo.
This follows since a month ahead of the Lunar New Year, the price stick their production costs rose 35 percent from Rp 2,200 per kilogram, now up to Rp 3,000 per kilogram.
Because of that, hundreds of artisans stick in the border region Sawoo subdistrict, district and sub-district Ponorogo monument, Trenggalek this, every day busy menyelesaika incense incense sticks orders are usually colored red.
Moreover, the results of their production, not only to the original buyer Karasidenan Madison, but also to Semarang, Jakarta, Bali, and imports to the country of China.
Industrial centers stick it, not just since this time. However, it has been cultivated for generations since 1990 ago or since the price of incense sticks incense still priced at Rp 500 to Rp 600 per kilogram. Citizens increasingly eager to develop this business, because it can boost the economy of the people and be able to send their children out of craft sticks that effort.
One craftsman stick incense incense, PB (40), resident of RT 04 RW 04, Hamlet Tawang, village store, Sawoo District, Ponorogo already admitted menemuki this business since 1990 last. For him to be a blessing not only artisans stick to the current perceived by the Lunar New Year. However, felt almost every day. However, since a month before the Lunar New Year prices incense sticks incense rose 35 percent from the previous price of Rp 2,200 per kilogram now appreciated middlemen and collectors Rp 3,000 per kilogram.
"Although each house became craftsmen stick incense, no shortage of raw material for collectors also provide raw materials. Bamboo per stem Rp 6,000 to Rp 7,000, if we do become a stick of incense will be skeitar 15 kilograms stick. Therefore, when demand rises and prices rise, we increasingly bersemagat produce, "he explained to Surya, Thursday (07/02/2013).
Additionally, Subandi explain if it is able to send her three children, bought a motorcycle and another sebagianya handicrafts incense sticks. If relying on gardening and planting rice into the rice once a year, he admitted to not going to be able to send his three children.
"If you need money to pay the school at any time can still dijualkan incense sticks 10 to 20 kilograms in accordance kebutuha us," he said.
Similar delivered Sujarno couples (40) and Jemitri (35), a resident of RT 01 RW 01, Dasri Hamlet, Village Sriti. Despite already having klontong shop in her home, they both still pursue this incense lid craft business since 1991 ago.
The couple each day helped her parents, Giyem (60) and his son after school. According Sujaro constraints in the production of incense sticks is the lack of equipment that can help accelerate the refinement results of incense sticks.
Even Sujarno and hundreds of other perajian, first clean the sharpener stick, just use a stick in the manner of feet trampled by the feet. However, it is now beginning to make a tool to clean bamboo fibers diesel engine fueled with gasoline.
"Because there is no relief from Ponorogo regency, we assemble this machine smoothing stick with a capital of USD 700 thousand to $ 1 million. Not only us, aid and capital have never dropped in four villages of this stick craft centers. We were able to order the State Chinese memenui , Bali, Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya but Ponorogo regency never comes to see us, "he said.
While Jemitri add any raw material comes in the form of bamboo, bamboo materials it sellau take at least Rp 400,000. However, it was not until a month, when it became a stick of incense, capable of generating money around $ 1 million more.

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